TracerAdvectionDiffusion Module

Basic Equations

This module solves the advection-diffusion equation for a passive tracer concentration in 1D, 2D, or 3D domains.

For 1D problems the tracer concentration $c(x, t)$ evolves under:

\[\partial_t c + u \partial_x c = \underbrace{\kappa \partial_x^2 c}_{\textrm{diffusivity}} + \underbrace{\kappa_h (-1)^{n_h + 1} \partial_x^{2 n_h} c}_{\textrm{hyper-diffusivity}} \ ,\]

where $u(x, t)$ is the advecting flow and $\kappa$ the diffusivity, $\kappa_h$ is the hyper-diffusivity coefficient and $n_h$ the hyper-diffusivity order.

For 2D problems, $\boldsymbol{x} = (x, y)$, the tracer concentration $c(\boldsymbol{x}, t)$ evolves under:

\[\partial_t c + \bm{u} \bm{\cdot} \bm{\nabla} c = \underbrace{\kappa \partial_x^2 c + \eta \partial_y^2 c}_{\textrm{diffusivity}} + \underbrace{\kappa_h (-1)^{n_h + 1} \nabla^{2 n_h} c}_{\textrm{hyper-diffusivity}} \ ,\]

where $\bm{u} = (u, v)$ is the two-dimensional advecting flow, $\kappa$ the $x$-diffusivity and $\eta$ is the $y$-diffusivity. If $\eta$ is not defined then by default it is set to have the same value as $\kappa$. See [TracerAdvectionDiffusion.Problem]

For 3D problems, $\boldsymbol{x} = (x, y, z)$, the tracer concentration $c(\boldsymbol{x}, t)$ evolves via:

\[\partial_t c + \bm{u} \bm{\cdot} \bm{\nabla} c = \underbrace{\kappa \partial_x^2 c + \eta \partial_y^2 c + \ell \partial_z^2 c}_{\textrm{diffusivity}} + \underbrace{\kappa_h (-1)^{n_h + 1} \nabla^{2 n_h} c}_{\textrm{hyper-diffusivity}} \ ,\]

where $\bm{u} = (u, v, w)$ is the three-dimensional advecting flow, $\kappa$ the $x$-diffusivity, $\eta$ is the $y$-diffusivity, and $\ell$ the $z$-diffusivity. If $\eta$ or $\ell$ are not defined then by default are set to have the same value as $\kappa$.

The advecting flow can be either compressible or incompressible.


The equations are time-stepped forward in Fourier space. For example, for 2D problems:

\[\partial_t \widehat{c} = - \widehat{\bm{u} \bm{\cdot} \bm{\nabla} c} - \left ( \kappa k_x^2 + \eta k_y^2 + \kappa_h |\bm{k}|^{2 n_h} \right) \widehat{c} \ ,\]

where $\bm{k} = (k_x, k_y)$.


\[\begin{aligned} L & = - \kappa k_x^2 - \eta k_y^2 - \kappa_h |\bm{k}|^{2 n_h} \ , \\ N(\widehat{c}) &= - \mathrm{FFT}(u \partial_x c + v \partial_y c) \ . \end{aligned}\]