Advection-diffusion of tracer in one dimension

This is an example demonstrating the advection-diffusion of a passive tracer in one dimension.

Install dependencies

First let's make sure we have all the required packages installed

using Pkg
pkg.add(["PassiveTracerFlows", "CairoMakie", "JLD2"])

Let's begin

First load packages needed to run this example.

using PassiveTracerFlows, CairoMakie, Printf, JLD2, LinearAlgebra

Choosing a device: CPU or GPU

dev = CPU()     # Device (CPU/GPU)

Numerical parameters and time-stepping parameters

      n = 128            # 2D resolution = n²
stepper = "RK4"          # timestepper
     dt = 0.02           # timestep
 nsteps = 5000           # total number of time-steps

Physical parameters

L = 2π       # domain size
κ = 0.01     # diffusivity


We set a constant background flow and pass this to OneDAdvectingFlow with steadyflow = true to indicate the flow is not time dependent.

u(x) = 0.05
advecting_flow = OneDAdvectingFlow(; u, steadyflow = true)
  ├────────── u: Function
  └─ steadyflow: true

Problem setup

We initialize a Problem by providing a set of keyword arguments.

prob = TracerAdvectionDiffusion.Problem(dev, advecting_flow; nx=n, Lx=L, κ, dt, stepper)

and define some shortcuts.

sol, clock, vars, params, grid = prob.sol, prob.clock, prob.vars, prob.params, prob.grid
x = grid.x

Initial condition

We advect-diffuse a concentration field that has an initial concentration set to Gaussian.

gaussian(x, σ) = exp(-x^2 / 2σ^2)

amplitude, spread = 1, 0.15
c₀ = [amplitude * gaussian(x[i], spread) for i in 1:grid.nx]

TracerAdvectionDiffusion.set_c!(prob, c₀)

Saving output

We create the saved output using the Output function from FourierFlows.jl then save the concentration field using the get_concentration function every 50 timesteps.

function get_concentration(prob)
  ldiv!(prob.vars.c, prob.grid.rfftplan, deepcopy(prob.sol))

  return prob.vars.c

output = Output(prob, "advection-diffusion1D.jld2",
                (:concentration, get_concentration))
  ├──── prob: FourierFlows.Problem{DataType, Vector{ComplexF64}, Float64, Vector{Float64}}
  ├──── path: advection-diffusion1D_1.jld2
  └── fields: Dict{Symbol, Function}(:concentration => Main.get_concentration)

By calling saveproblem(output) we save information that we will use for plotting later on.


Stepping the problem forward

Now we step the problem forward and save output every 50 timesteps.

save_frequency = 50 # frequency at which output is saved

startwalltime = time()
while clock.step <= nsteps
  if clock.step % save_frequency == 0
    log = @sprintf("Output saved, step: %04d, t: %.2f, walltime: %.2f min",
                   clock.step, clock.t, (time()-startwalltime) / 60)


Output saved, step: 0000, t: 0.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0050, t: 1.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0100, t: 2.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0150, t: 3.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0200, t: 4.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0250, t: 5.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0300, t: 6.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0350, t: 7.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0400, t: 8.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0450, t: 9.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0500, t: 10.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0550, t: 11.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0600, t: 12.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0650, t: 13.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0700, t: 14.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0750, t: 15.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0800, t: 16.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0850, t: 17.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0900, t: 18.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 0950, t: 19.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1000, t: 20.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1050, t: 21.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1100, t: 22.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1150, t: 23.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1200, t: 24.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1250, t: 25.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1300, t: 26.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1350, t: 27.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1400, t: 28.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1450, t: 29.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1500, t: 30.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1550, t: 31.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1600, t: 32.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1650, t: 33.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1700, t: 34.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1750, t: 35.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1800, t: 36.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1850, t: 37.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1900, t: 38.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 1950, t: 39.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2000, t: 40.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2050, t: 41.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2100, t: 42.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2150, t: 43.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2200, t: 44.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2250, t: 45.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2300, t: 46.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2350, t: 47.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2400, t: 48.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2450, t: 49.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2500, t: 50.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2550, t: 51.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2600, t: 52.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2650, t: 53.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2700, t: 54.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2750, t: 55.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2800, t: 56.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2850, t: 57.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2900, t: 58.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 2950, t: 59.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3000, t: 60.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3050, t: 61.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3100, t: 62.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3150, t: 63.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3200, t: 64.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3250, t: 65.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3300, t: 66.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3350, t: 67.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3400, t: 68.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3450, t: 69.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3500, t: 70.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3550, t: 71.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3600, t: 72.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3650, t: 73.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3700, t: 74.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3750, t: 75.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3800, t: 76.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3850, t: 77.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3900, t: 78.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 3950, t: 79.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4000, t: 80.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4050, t: 81.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4100, t: 82.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4150, t: 83.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4200, t: 84.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4250, t: 85.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4300, t: 86.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4350, t: 87.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4400, t: 88.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4450, t: 89.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4500, t: 90.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4550, t: 91.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4600, t: 92.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4650, t: 93.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4700, t: 94.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4750, t: 95.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4800, t: 96.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4850, t: 97.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4900, t: 98.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 4950, t: 99.00, walltime: 0.00 min
Output saved, step: 5000, t: 100.00, walltime: 0.00 min

Visualising the output

We load the .jld2 file and create a timeseries of the concentration field

file = jldopen(output.path)

iterations = parse.(Int, keys(file["snapshots/t"]))

t = [file["snapshots/t/$i"] for i ∈ iterations]
c = [file["snapshots/concentration/$i"] for i ∈ iterations]

Set up the plotting arguments and look at the initial concentration.

x, Lx = file["grid/x"], file["grid/Lx"]

n = Observable(1)
c_anim = @lift Array(c[$n])
title = @lift @sprintf("concentration, t = %s", t[$n])

fig = Figure(size = (600, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1],
          xlabel = "x",
          ylabel = "c",
          limits = ((-Lx/2, Lx/2), (0, maximum(c[1]))))

lines!(ax, x, c_anim; linewidth = 4)
Lines{Tuple{Vector{Point{2, Float32}}}}

Now, we create a movie of the tracer concentration being advected and diffused.

frames = 1:length(t)
record(fig, "1D_advection-diffusion.mp4", frames, framerate = 18) do i
    n[] = i

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