
Functions exported from PassiveTracerFlows:

Functions exported from TracerAdvectionDiffusion:

Problem(dev::Device=CPU(), advecting_flow; parameters...)

Construct a constant diffusivity problem with steady or time-varying advecting_flow on device dev. The default device is the CPU(), to use the GPU pass the argument to the function The dimensionality of the problem is inferred from the type of advecting_flow provided:

  • advecting_flow::OneDAdvectingFlow for 1D advection-diffusion problem,
  • advecting_flow::TwoDAdvectingFlow for 2D advection-diffusion problem,
  • advecting_flow::ThreeDAdvectingFlow for 3D advection-diffusion problem.
Problem(dev::Device=CPU(), MQGprob::FourierFlows.Problem; parameters...)

Construct a constant diffusivity problem on device dev using the flow from a GeophysicalFlows.MultiLayerQG problem as the advecting flow. The device CPU() is set as the default device.
