Visualize output

In the examples we use Makie.jl for plotting.

Makie comes with a few backends. In the documented examples we use CairoMakie since this backend works well on headless devices, that is, devices without monitor. Since the documentation is automatically built via GitHub actions the CairoMakie backend is necessary. Users that run GeophysicalFlows.jl on devices with a monitor might want to change to GLMakie that displays figures in an interactive window.

In GeophysicalFlows.jl simulations, we can either visualize the fields on-the-fly as the problem is stepped forward or we can save output onto a .jld2 file and after simulation is done load the output and visualize it. Most examples do the former. For a demonstration for how one can save output and load later to process and visualize it have a look at the SingeLayerQG beta-plane forced-dissipative example. For more information about saving output to .jld2 files, files see the Output section in FourierFlows.jl Documentation might be useful.