GPU-functionality is enabled via FourierFlows.jl. For more information on how FourierFlows.jl handled with GPUs we urge you to the corresponding FourierFlows.jl documentation section .

All GeophysicalFlows.jl modules can be run on GPU by providing GPU() as the device (dev) argument in the problem constructors. For example,

julia> GeophysicalFlows.TwoDNavierStokes.Problem(GPU())
  ├─────────── grid: grid (on GPU)
  ├───── parameters: params
  ├────── variables: vars
  ├─── state vector: sol
  ├─────── equation: eqn
  ├────────── clock: clock
  └──── timestepper: RK4TimeStepper

Selecting GPU device

FourierFlows.jl can only utilize a single GPU. If your machine has more than one GPU available, then using functionality within CUDA.jl package enables you can choose the GPU device that FourierFlows.jl should use. The user is referred to the CUDA.jl Documentation; in particular, CUDA.devices and CUDA.CuDevice.