
In pseudospectral methods, computing nonlinear terms results in aliasing errors. (Read more about aliasing errors in the FourierFlows.jl Documentation.) To avoid aliasing errors, we need to apply some dealiasing to our fields in Fourier space before transforming to physical space to compute nonlinear terms.

De-aliasing scheme

FourierFlows.jl currently implements dealiasing by zeroing out the highest-aliased_fraction wavenumber components on a grid. By default in FourierFlows.jl, aliased_fraction=1/3. Users can construct a grid with different aliased_fraction via

julia> grid = OneDGrid(; nx=64, Lx=2π, aliased_fraction=1/2)

julia> OneDimensionalGrid
         ├─────────── Device: CPU
         ├──────── FloatType: Float64
         ├────────── size Lx: 6.283185307179586
         ├──── resolution nx: 64
         ├── grid spacing dx: 0.09817477042468103
         ├─────────── domain: x ∈ [-3.141592653589793, 3.0434178831651124]
         └─ aliased fraction: 0.5

or provide the keyword argument aliased_fraction to the Problem() constructor of each module, e.g.,

julia> prob = GeophysicalFlows.TwoDNavierStokes.Problem(; aliased_fraction=1/2)
  ├─────────── grid: grid (on CPU)
  ├───── parameters: params
  ├────── variables: vars
  ├─── state vector: sol
  ├─────── equation: eqn
  ├────────── clock: clock
  └──── timestepper: RK4TimeStepper
julia> prob.grid.aliased_fraction

Currently, all nonlinearities in all modules included in GeophysicalFlows.jl modules are quadratic nonlinearities. Therefore, the default aliased_fraction of 1/3 is appropriate.

All modules apply de-aliasing by calling, e.g., dealias!(prob.sol, prob.grid) both before computing any nonlinear terms and also during updating all variable, i.e., within updatevars!.

To disable de-aliasing you need to create a problem with a grid that has been constructed with the keyword aliased_fraction=0.