Everything needed to solve a PDE in FourierFlows.jl
is gathered in a composite type named Problem
. Problem
contains various other composite types (see Problem
for details).
Here, we demonstrate how we can construct a Problem
to solve the simple 1D equation:
\[\partial_t u(x, t) = - \alpha \, u(x, t) ,\]
on domain $x \in [-1, 1]$.
First, we construct our grid
using FourierFlows
nx, Lx = 32, 2.0
grid = OneDGrid(; nx, Lx)
├─────────── Device: CPU
├──────── FloatType: Float64
├────────── size Lx: 2.0
├──── resolution nx: 32
├── grid spacing dx: 0.0625
├─────────── domain: x ∈ [-1.0, 0.9375]
└─ aliased fraction: 0.3333333333333333
Our problem has a parameter $\alpha$. Thus, we create a Params
struct Params <: AbstractParams
α :: Float64
and then we use the Params
's constructor to populate our params
with the parameter value, e.g., $\alpha = 0.1$:
α = 0.1
params = Params(α)
└───── parameter: α -> Float64
The particular equation is so simple that it makes no difference performance-wise whether we time-step it in physical or in wavenumber space. For PDEs with nonlinear terms, time-stepping in wavenumber space is much more efficient. Thus, for demonstration purposes, we will time-step the equation in wavenumber space, i.e.,
\[\partial_t \hat{u}(k, t) = - \alpha \, \hat{u}(k, t) .\]
The variables involved are $u$ and its Fourier transform $\hat{u}$. Thus, we construct the vars
struct Vars <: AbstractVars
u :: Array{Float64, 1}
uh :: Array{Complex{Float64}, 1}
and, like before, we use the Vars
's constructor to populate the vars
with zero arrays,
vars = Vars(zeros(Float64, (grid.nx,)), zeros(Complex{Float64}, (grid.nkr,)))
├───── variable: u -> 32-element Vector{Float64}
└───── variable: uh -> 17-element Vector{ComplexF64}
Note that the Fourier transform of a real-valued array u
is complex-valued. Also because we use the real Fourier transform, the array uh
is smaller.
In this example our state variable is simply uh
, i.e., sol = uh
Next we need to construct the equation. The equation contains the linear coefficients for the linear part of the PDE, stored in an array L
, and the function calcN!()
that calculates the nonlinear terms from the state variable sol
. In our case, our equation is linear and, therefore,
L = - params.α * ones(grid.nkr)
function calcN!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
@. N = 0
return nothing
Note that calcN!()
needs to have the above argument structure. With L
and calcN!
in hand we can construct our problem's equation:
equation = FourierFlows.Equation(L, calcN!, grid)
├──────── linear coefficients: L
│ ├───type: Float64
│ └───size: (17,)
├───────────── nonlinear term: calcN!()
└─── type of state vector sol: ComplexF64
Last, we have to pick a time-stepper and a time-step dt
and gather everything a FourierFlows's Problem
Time-steppers are prescribed via a string. Here we choose "ForwardEuler"
time-stepping scheme with a time step of 0.02.
stepper, dt = "ForwardEuler", 0.02
prob = FourierFlows.Problem(equation, stepper, dt, grid, vars, params)
├─────────── grid: grid (on CPU)
├───── parameters: params
├────── variables: vars
├─── state vector: sol
├─────── equation: eqn
├────────── clock: clock
│ └──── dt: 0.02
└──── timestepper: ForwardEulerTimeStepper
For more information and a list of implemented time-stepping schemes see the the following Time-stepping section.
By default, the Problem
constructor takes sol
a complex valued array filled with zeros with same size as L
The prob.clock
contains the time-step dt
and the current step
and time t
of the simulation:
├─── timestep dt: 0.02
├────────── step: 0
└──────── time t: 0.0
Let's initiate our problem with, e.g., $u(x, 0) = \cos(\pi x)$, integrate up to $t = 4$ and compare our numerical solution with the analytical solution $u(x, t) = e^{-\alpha t} \cos(\pi x)$.
u0 = @. cos(π * grid.x)
using LinearAlgebra: mul!
mul!(prob.sol, grid.rfftplan, u0)
Since our time-step is chosen dt = 0.02
, we need to step forward prob
for $200$ time-steps to reach $t = 4$.
stepforward!(prob, 200)
Now let's transform our state vector sol
back in physical space
using LinearAlgebra: ldiv!
ldiv!(prob.vars.u, grid.rfftplan, prob.sol)
and finally, let's plot our solution and compare with the analytical solution:
using CairoMakie, Printf
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "x", title = @sprintf("u(x, t=%1.2f)", prob.clock.t))
x = range(-Lx/2, Lx/2, length=200)
lines!(ax, x, @. cos(π * x) * exp(-prob.params.α * 4); label = "analytical")
lines!(ax, x, @. cos(π * x); linestyle = :dash, color = :gray, label = "initial condition")
scatter!(ax, grid.x, prob.vars.u; markersize = 14, color = :salmon, label = "numerical")
A good practice is to encompass all functions and type definitions related with a PDE under a single module, e.g.,
module MyPDE
end # end module
For a more elaborate example we urge you to have a look at the Diffusion
module located at src/diffusion.jl
and also the modules included in the child package GeophysicalFlows.jl.